Programmes for adult groups
Programme tickets
Pay for 2 tours, get the 3rd one free!
Dear visitors,
Have you been to Idrija, a town famous for the former mercury mine, the lace masterpiece – Idrija bobbin lace and the culinary speciality called Idrija “žlikrofi” (potato-filled ravioli)? Have you ever heard the sound of the Neanderthal bone flute from Divje babe archaeological park in the Cerkno region and tasted a delicious “Ocvirkovca” – a roll with cracklings and small pieces of meat?
And you most certainly remember the great writer France Bevk and the legendary Franja Partisan Hospital from your school days. We invite you to discover this hidden corner of the world in western Slovenia with us.
You can choose from the following programmes:
Idrija – the UNESCO heritage site
In the country where the Primorska region ends and the runners (laufarji) live...
Where to find us
In western Slovenia, at the junction of the Alpine and the pre-Alpine world, there’s a piece of the world hidden among the ravines – the Idrija and Cerkno regions.

Cerkljanski muzej

Idrijska kamšt

Grad Gewerkenegg

Tehniški oddelek muzeja v Frančiškovem jašku

Idrijska rudarska hiša

Partizanska tiskarna Slovenija

Partizanska bolnica Franja

Domačija pisatelja Franceta Bevka